Contact Us

Corporate Office

117 East Colorado Blvd Suite 600, Pasadena CA - 91105




Connect with us

Get in touch

Send us a comment or question you may have.

Visit Us

Because of the Covid protocols all visits must be scheduled in advance.
The use of masks is mandatory. Thank you for understanding!

To reach us in person, please click the button below to be redirected to Google Maps for directions to our corporate office in Fountain Valley. Our address will already be inputed as your end destination.

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday –  9 AM to 5 PM

Clients may schedule an appointment or after-hours appointment as needed, please do so in advance.
The Southern California Indian Center’s, Inc. facility hours of Operation for services open to the public are subject to change without notice; excluding legal holidays observed by the United States federal government.

Our Addresses

Southern California Indian Center, Inc.

117 East Colorado Blvd. Suite 600  Pasadena, CA 91105 (same phones)

Telephone: 213-387-5772

El Segundo
Workforce Development Office

400 Continental Blvd, 6th Floor
El Segundo, CA 90245

Telephone: 213-387-5772

Sherman Indian High School
Sherman Indian Museum

9010 Magnolia Ave
Riverside, CA 92503

Telephone: 951-276-6719

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