
Johnson O’Malley Program
Problem solver

Youth Education Program​

The Southern California Indian Center’s, Inc. (SCIC) education initiative is funded by the Johnson O’Malley Program (JOM). It is dedicated to improving the academic achievement, self-esteem and cultural pride of American Indian students in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.  The Educational Component (EC) works in cooperation with public and private schools, colleges and community agencies to provide:

  • Tutoring Services
  • Cultural Education
  • Enrichment Trips 
  • Recreational Activities
  • Career / College Opportunities 
  • Educational Support & Supplies


To register, the youth participants must be the following: ​

JOM Program

Parent Advisory Committee

Please join us for our our monthly Parent Advisory Committee meets monthly at our Fountain Valley office.

The JOM Program not only focuses on education but also emphasizes parent involvement. If your interested in getting your children signed up for this free program and would like to be apart of it, our Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) will give you an opportunity to decide on what programs and events we host for our Youth Education Program. Give us a call to find out when the next meeting will be. The PAC is actively looking for more families. 

 Light Refreshments | Door Prizes | Meet & Greet 

Cultural Education Workshops

Our PAC has put together a series of cultural workshops for everyone to partake in at SCIC this fall. Sponsored by the Johnson O’Malley Program, these workshops were selected by our PAC to promote American Indian culture and cultivate education through traditions. Please stay tuned for our 2021 workshop schedule!

Please note that the following workshops are subject to change at SCIC’s discretion.
All JOM participants can attend for free, non-JOM participants will be required to pay a one-time $30.00 fee per person to cover the cost of materials / instructor for all of our workshops offered.

For more information email us:

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